Continue to read widely using the many sites you have been given for suggested reading. Think creatively about how you will organise your notes for revision. You may wish to save interesting phrases from articles into word documents and colour code them. You could also place a copy of your key essay phrases in a place such as above your desk at home so that you are seeing them and memorising them daily.
Here are two examples of excellent revision notes on the topics of:
¿Merece la pena ir a la universidad o no?
¿La igualdad entre hombres y mujeres ya existe o no?
Thanks to Christina for her generosity in sharing her work!
Fui al cine a ver la nueva película que se llama Fantástico Sr. Fox. Es una película basada en el libro de Roald Dahl. Los protagonistas incluyen George Clooney, Meryl Streep y Bill Murray. Al llegar al cine fui a la tienda y compré gominolas y palomitas con un refresco para mi amiga y yo. Había una cola larga en la taquilla - menos mal que ya había comprado las entradas por la Red. Me gustó mucho.
Hablemos de Cine podcast(Programa 41: Comer con los ojos) discusses the film version of Como Agua Para Chocolate from 16:00 - 24:00 minutes. This is a free podcast which you could download onto your ipod and listen to over the months ahead as you study the novel. It can be found in iTunes.