The first version of the Spanish literary masterpiece “Don Quijote de la Mancha” is now digital and interactive.
The painting above is the work of the artist Octavio Ocampo, Guanajuato, Mexico.
¿Cuántas caras hay en el cuadro?
You may not know your path, but you must know what you don't want in life
Paulo Coelho
La vida es como el futbol - el adversario es el mejor maestro
Life is like football - adversary is the best teacher
(Paulo Coelho)
Lucha por tus sueños y tus sueños lucharán por ti.
Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fightfor you.
A veces tu poder no está en lo que haces, sino en lo que no haces.
Sometimes your power resides not in what you do but in what you don't do.
Cuando tus pies estén canzados, camina con tu corazón.
When your legs are tired, walk with your heart.